With the arrival of a new financial partner, Aptys Pharmaceuticals strengthens the development of its analgesic.

In the last months , the opioids crisis in the US and Europe has demonstrated tolerance and addiction problems caused by analgesic treatments based on opioids. In the treating pain panoply, there is today an acute lack of a potent analgesic drug without these disadvantages.

Aptys Phamaceuticals, specialized in the development of formulations and analysis methods for the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors, is aiming to fill that gap with the development of an oral treatment composed of two non-opioid analgesics. This new formulation aims to treat the same moderate to severe pains.

Acting as a leading investor, Pierre-Marie Defrance, previous owner of the French pharmaceutical group IPRAD, will contribute, with an 800 000 € investment on top of the obtained public funds, to finance this flagship research project, in a market estimated at $1 billion in Europe and $3 to 4 billion at the international level.
After the co-developement agrement signed with Unither pharmaceuticals in 2017, the arrival of Mr Defrance in Aptys’s capital, highlights the relevance of the project.


Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
Phone: +33 (0) 473 670 670
E-mail : contact@aptys-pharmaceuticals.com
Web site : www.aptys-pharmaceuticals.com