Céréales Vallée and Nutravita: a fusion to become the European leader of preventive/health functional ingredients of plant origin

Announced in September, the marriage between Céréales Vallée and Nutravita will become a reality during the next general meetings of both entities which will be held on December 3rd, 2018.

Since 2005, Céréales Vallée, specialized in the field crops sector (cereal and oilseed), provides an expertise on the upstream supply and the vegetable production. The Pole of competitiveness integrates public and privates competencies on techno-seeds, on cultural experiment, knowledge of grounds and interactions grounds-microorganisms.

For its part, with a strategy based on the development of scientifically validated nutritional products, the cluster Nutravita offers an added value on the Health Nutrition Prevention market.

The association of both structures will allow to master the know-how from the field to the characterized plant extract. Every network can thus reach new expertise and possible collaborations and new levers of innovation. The members of Nutravita will have access to organized and drawn productions and will benefit from the reputation of the pole of competitiveness. Céréales Vallée will have an additional lever to increase the income of the farmers by the diversification and the valuation of their production.

The new group will provide a different and unique offer on the territory, based on a chain from vegetable production to preclinical and clinical validation of ingredients intended for animal feed, the food industry or pharmaceuticals.